Andrew Rooke is a strategic leader and business professional who is passionate about workplace health & wellness. Rooke finds that his team development always benefits from reminding his colleagues to take time to recharge.
Workplace Wellness
Andrew Rooke fully embraces the positive impact that wellness has on his own life. Both in the personal and professional areas of his life, Rooke has benefited from his attention to health & wellness. A lot of people leave mental health out of the conversation when discussing workplace wellness, as well as health & wellness in general. A general lack of understanding can make discussion of such a topic appear intimidating or challenging. But the reality Rooke embraces is that we all have a status of mental health. Sometimes we feel good; other times, we feel low. This is a normal part of everyday life. When we are able to work and live in spaces where there is a welcoming and judgment-free environment regarding how we feel mentally, we are not only better able to work on what’s bothering us, but we also become more productive. As inclusive leader, Rooke is all about transparency, openness and honesty. That’s why he knows that it is so important to acknowledge, within his professional teams, that mental health must always be kept in mind. In a workplace wellness setting, this attention could be as simple as allocating appropriate time for much-needed breaks that give his team members a chance to recharge, refuel and reapproach what they are working on with a new mindset.
Healthy Work Environment
As a leader and as a working business professional, Andrew Rooke understands just how important it is to work in a clean and organized workspace. A cluttered workspace can leave team members feeling disarray and stressed out. So Rooke always ensures that his place of work is properly organized and maintained. He also encourages group “stand up and stretch” breaks, which often help boost productivity and energy within the team. In the future, Rooke hopes to possibly schedule midday walking meetings.